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  • David Plotke

    Professor of Politics


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    David Plotke


    David Plotke is Professor of Politics at The New School for Social Research. He received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. His forthcoming book is Democratic Breakup: From the Civil Rights Act to the End of the Democratic Order.

    Concentrations: U.S. politics: American political development: national political institutions, political and social movements; American political thought; citizenship, immigration, and ethnicity. Political theory: democratic theory; collective action.

    Degrees Held

    PhD 1985, University of California, Berkeley

    Recent Publications

    Democratic Breakup: From the Civil Rights Act to the End of the Democratic Order (forthcoming)

    “Democratic Polities and Antidemocratic Politics,” Theoria (2006)

    “Democracy and Groups,” Social Research volume 70 number 2 (Summer 2003): 463-498

    Democracy and Boundaries: Themes in Contemporary Politics (2002)

    “The Success and Anger of the Modern American Right: A New Introduction to The Radical Right” in a new edition of D. Bell (ed.), The Radical Right (2001)

    “Representation is Democracy,” Constellations (1997)

    Building a Democratic Political Order: Reshaping American Liberalism in the 1930s and 1940s (1996).

    Research Interests

    I am preparing publications (books or monographs) on the following topics: Popular Conservatism and Political Disorder: American Politics in the Late Twentieth Century; Forms of Democracy and Forms of Representation; Martin Luther King, Jr. & American political thought; and Democratic Polities and Antidemocratic Politics.

    Current Courses

    2024 Election in Real Time
    LPOL 3199, Fall 2024

    2024 US Election
    GPOL 6020, Fall 2024

    Directed Dissertation Study
    GPOL 7991, Fall 2024

    Ind Senior Prject
    LPOL 4990, Fall 2024

    Independent Study
    LPOL 3950, Fall 2024

    Independent Study
    GPOL 6990, Fall 2024

    Social Sci Research in Action
    LPOL 3951, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Directed Dissertation Study
    GPOL 7991, Spring 2025

    Independent Study
    LPOL 3950, Spring 2025

    Independent Study
    GPOL 6990, Spring 2025

    Qualitative Methods
    GPOL 6195, Spring 2025

    Social Sci Research in Action
    LPOL 3951, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    American Apocalypse?
    GHIS 6140, Spring 2024

    Directed Dissertation Study
    GPOL 7991, Spring 2024

    Independent Study
    GPOL 6990, Spring 2024

    Independent Study
    LPOL 3950, Spring 2024

    Polarization/Populism/U.S. Pol
    GPOL 6128, Spring 2024

    Social Sci Research in Action
    LPOL 3951, Spring 2024

    US 2024 Election
    LPOL 3112, Spring 2024

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