• Faculty

  • Laura Gilbert


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    Laura Gilbert


    Laura Gilbert, flutist, has appeared around the world as chamber musician, soloist, recitalist and guest lecturer. In 2012 she co-founded Electric Earth Concerts, a year-round music festival based in Peterborough, New Hampshire. During her tenure as co-artistic director of Monadnock Music (2006-2011), she created award-winning programming, receiving major foundation support from the NEA, Argosy, Getty, Goelet, and many other organizations. In addition to founding and performing with Auréole, a flute, viola and harp trio, Ms. Gilbert has appeared with Musicians from Marlboro, Alexander Schneider's Brandenburg Ensemble, the Borromeo, Brentano, Saint Lawrence, and Ciompi String Quartets, Chamber Music at the 92nd Street "Y", Saint Luke's Ensemble and Orchestra, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, The New York Philharmonic and Speculum Musicae. Ms. Gilbert also performs frequently in a duo with the Greek guitarist Antigoni Goni. As advocates of folk-inspired classical music, the Gilbert-Goni Duo has commissioned numerous new works, many of which are included on their debut solo disc “From the New Village,” on Koch International Classics. Ms. Gilbert's extensive discography includes a Grammy award for Dawn Upshaw's "Girl with the Orange Lips", two solo recordings on Koch International: The Flute Music of Serge Prokofiev, and the Flute Music of Toru Takemitsu. Auréole Trio has released twelve discs on Koch International, the first of which was short-listed for several Grammys. Auréole is responsible for 50-plus original compositions and arrangement, many of which appear on their recordings. Ms. Gilbert has been a grant review panelist for The National Endowment for the Arts, Chamber Music America, Meet the Composer and the National Flute Association. She has served on the faculties of Peabody Conservatory, Mannes College of Music, Harid Conservatory, Purchase College, The Aaron Copland School at Queens College, Bowdoin Summer Music Festival, and Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn. Ms. Gilbert studied with Samuel Baron, Julius Baker and Thomas Nyfenger, and received her Bachelor degrees from Sarah Lawrence College, and New England Conservatory of Music, her diploma and Master of Music from Juilliard, and her Doctorate from SUNY Stony Brook.

    Current Courses

    Lesson 1 hour
    RAML 0300, Fall 2024

    Lesson 1/2 hour
    RAML 0350, Fall 2024

    Lesson 3/4 hour
    RAML 0325, Fall 2024

    Preparatory Instruction
    RAML 0001, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Lesson 1 hour
    RAML 0300, Spring 2025

    Lesson 1/2 hour
    RAML 0350, Spring 2025

    Lesson 3/4 hour
    RAML 0325, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Lesson 1 hour
    RAML 0300, Spring 2024

    Lesson 1/2 hour
    RAML 0350, Spring 2024

    Lesson 3/4 hour
    RAML 0325, Spring 2024

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